Thursday, February 07, 2008

The Show Goes On

The mystery of the disappearing rat is solved as the other night Ratty appeared with Mrs Ratty and a baby Ratty. They spent a good half hour performing on the rafters. Ratty did his impression of Fred Astaire putting on the ritz before the whole family performed exerpts from "Sweeny Todd" with Ratty in the Johnny Depp role, Mrs Ratty as the pie maker and baby Ratty as the pie.

I will miss these nightly performances as on Monday night my landlord's brother in law rang to tell me I have to move as my cottage is to be sold. I have only been here ten months. Added to the bad news I had to bury Cordelia that morning. I am to look at a cottage on the farm next door this evening but I am even more determined now to find the money to buy my own plot of land where the animals and I can live securely.


Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

like the picture of Mr Rat
sori you have to move
hope you find somewhere real soon

damask22 said...

Looks like I may have found somewhere Jen although it is alot older than where I am now. Probably be moved within a month.
