Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Answer To The Killer Donkey Episodes

Briar made another attempt to murder Toby the goat on Friday. This is the scene of the crime- the side paddock seen in grassier times (Autumn) with Mishka the dog and Demelza The Phantom Sprayer checking their Pmail. The good news though is that yelling abuse at the donkey out the sitting room window appeared to do the trick and she pulled on the brakes and pretended she'd never chased him in the first place. I was talking on the phone to John at the time and he asked how long it was since the first attack. Well it's a month. That gave him the answer. Apparently mares become extremely nasty when they're in season so Briar's crankiness is due to the fact that she's "in the mood". Great- so now I have a randy ass to deal with as well as everything else!

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