Friday, October 05, 2007

And the cow jumped over the...

I almost forgot the big excitement yesterday. During the day I heard lots of swearing outside. Now I've lived in the country long enough to know that's usually emanating from a farmer shifting stock. Looked out to see Jeff from Smedley moving a recalcitrant black cow past this place accompanied by a couple of dogs. Next moment he was opening my front gates and walking towards the cottage. I stuck my head out the window and he looked at me and with a typical Kiwi males brevity said "Wayward cow". Sure enough one big pissed off cow was standing in my backyard and he had to chase her around the cottage, through the garden and down the drive back onto the road. Silly moo had jumped the gates so perhaps that nursery rhyme is not so unlikely after all.

I of course was terribly relieved. There is only room for one wayward cow on this property and that's me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice picture
Im sure youre not a cow
interesting story