Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hawkes Bay Floods

The TV news promised heavy rain in the Hawkes Bay Ranges last night and of course that's where I live. When I woke at 5am I heard faint rain on the roof but couldn't see what was going on until 7am. When I went to feed the chooks there were puddles in the paddock and water was beginning to gather at the back of the garage and flow through. No biggie.....till 9am when the rain gathered force and within an hour the drain at the front of the property had turned into a 30 foot wide lake to the right, flowing across the driveway over a bank into the drain in the left paddock where it joined the creek. Water washed across the paddock at the back, cascading under the small wire gate and down the concrete path into the backyard. From there it scoured out the shingle down the drive. Even the back lawn beneath the clothes line was under water.

Maxine rang after lunch to see how I was coping. Apparently the creek near her had risen one and a half metres in a short time and Civil Defence had called in twice. Someone had stacked a few cord of firewood on their property only to watch it swept away. Apparently the army is evacuating people further up State Highway 50 at Maraekakaho, Flaxmere in Hastings is cut off and Puketapu near Napier is in trouble. 150 mms more rain are expected up here within the next few hours.

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