Monday, December 26, 2005


My days at the moment begin at 4am although I try to sneak more sleep till 5am when the cats begin their early morning chase scenes. Gypsy thinks it's funny to use me as a spring board so will leap up from one side of the bed onto my chest and then fly off the other side. She's the smallest cat but she can really pack some power into those rear legs and I ended up with a bruise the other day.

I am Queen of the Scum People according to the cats at the moment as their Christmas started with me spraying them for fleas. The dog being a total woose took his treatment without a sideways glance but the cats were terrified. I know it's the sound of the spray that scares them but I still have half a bottle of the stuff so they'll have to tolerate it. I'm going back to herbal prevention though once I work out how to apply it. I can't sneak garlic into their food like I can with my dog Mishka and don't trust collars as they're so easy to snag on a branch so may have to return to dabbing them with wormwood.

My little chick hatched the day Taffy died is doing well with her Mum in the hutch out front. I was so relieved to see she was a female. She is a mixture of browns, gold and there are some white feathers in her wings so hopefully she'll be a speckled hen. I would really love to develop more speckled ones if possible but think I may need to buy in more stock to do so.

Muggles my house rabbit is feeling the heat despite having the window open near him. I have been removing his coat to cool him down and prevent wool block. He gets on so well with the cats and dog it's unnatural.

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