Friday, December 23, 2005

Finally photos

I have been trying to scan photos from my last developed film (oh for a digital camera)for a while but only managed to find some time this morning. Although my last litter are now four months old these are their five week old photos.
This is Giselle and Sherbet who was the kit I had to revive in warm water when he managed to get out of the nestbox aged three days. Little guy has been outgoing and inquisitive right from the start and his sister is not far behind.
Harmony and Goblin are a bit more shy than the other two but quiet and easy to handle. It still amazes me that the white took five generations to pop out. Genetics!

I began the angoras on papaya tablets bought from the health food shop last week. The vet advised me to put one in each water bottle once monthly and this, along with their usual hay, should help prevent wool block. I also have them on apple cider vinegar once weekly which is a good tonic and is meant to prevent kidney problems.

The heat is bothering all the animals at the moment as it is quite muggy. I also haven't seen Angel the cat in a couple of weeks now as she's on one of her periodic hunting expeditions due to the current wild rabbit explosion. Even Piper cat brought a baby one in a couple of days ago and had to sleep the effects off all day. Fortunately Demelza is not too interested in hunting anything except cicadas and the youngest two, Peaches and Gypsy, are still at the fly catching stage. They are also now getting to sleep with me along with Dem so things get a bit fraught as I am contorted in all sorts of interesting positions. Sleeping With Cats is a lifestyle choice!

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