Monday, July 06, 2009

The Baking Monster Strikes Again

I ran out of chocolate biscuits this morning. Probably for anyone else this would be no big problem but if I go without something with cocoa in it for even a few short hours I am prone to blow up. Therefore I decided to ignore the mocking I usually receive when I mention to anyone that I intend cooking something and actually baked. I decided to make a slice with weetbix and coconut in it that usually turns out half edible, even for me. It didn't take long to cobble together and only 20 minutes to cook but then I remembered the reason I don't like cooking- having to do the dishes afterwards.

Not only am I out of biscuits but dried cat food as well. However I have a small stash of spare food for them. Whenever friends lose a pet cat they bequeath me its beds, its electric blanket (yes really) as well as any leftover cat food. I pulled out a packet that wasn't past its used by date and quelling any qualms that it was sold by The Warehouse I doled it out to Kit and Gypsy. Gyps turned her delicate black nose up at first smell but Kit gamely tucked in. Within a minute though she bomited it up. She then had a few more "bomiting" episodes. I blamed the cat food but later realised that I'd left the slice cooling on the stove top within feline reach. Perhaps Kits greed had finally got the better of her and she was paying for it with my cooking which rates as a weapon of mass destruction. She has been determinedly dieting since.

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