Monday, July 27, 2009

Attitudenal Animals

I have a bunch of Woosie Cats but it's not their fault- I'm the one who insists they come inside at 3pm and stay there until 7.30 the next morning. They punish me by pinning me sideways in bed, one behind, one in front and another perched on my right hip ramming my left one down into the mattress. They don't understand it's for their own protection. I don't want them outside at night roaming the roads, taking up with disreputable toms and getting stoned on cat nip.

Last night I heard Demelza whining and growling. When I peeped out from behind the curtains I saw the startled face of a brown tabby cat by the front door. It appeared to me extremely friendly, sleek and well fed- the very epitomy of the type of cat I would like my girls to take up with. However they were having none of it as one by one they took turns to hiss and swear through the glass. When I finally let Mish out to water the lawn it took off. Shortly afterwards it returned to the front patio where Kit and it had staring/snarling session from their positions on either side of the glass. How long this stand off lasted I have no idea as I fell asleep.

Next morning after a quick trip outside in the frost in order to read her pmail Kit took up residence on my unmade bed. We've had a couple of stand offs this past week. If I lift her off she tends to turn on me and become extremely stroppy. Several times I have had to leave the bed unmade for most of the day until the call of the litter tray becomes too strong for her to resist.

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