Saturday, March 06, 2010

Phoenix's Farewell, Goblin's Centrefold and Cat Vacuuming

A bit of a shock last Sunday when I went out to feed the rabbits and found Phoenix dead in his cage and blue around his mouth. He hadn't been under the weather although he had been a bit picky with his food. Phoenix had lived up to his name when as a young rabbit RHD went through the rabbitry killing his mother but leaving he and his brother alive. He was a pretty good sprayer like his Dad which is why he had to be placed in a cage some distance away from the other rabbits. Even so he occasionally got a runny eye from getting some of his own back. Every afternoon we had a ritual as he waited patiently for me to top up his drinking bottle with fresh water, standing up as I filled it before attacking it with relish.

Meantime his half brother Goblin has got into the new Ashford "Book of Hand Spinning" by Jo Reeve illustrating the section on angora. I received my complimentary copy this week. As a reward I put a young doe in his cage but unfortunately he decided to turn into a SNAR (Sensitive New Age Rabbit) who only wanted to cuddle and snuggle.

And Kit has returned to being a very sucky kitty after watching Mishka getting a quick vacuum. She jumped up on top of a chair and we were back in business, me sucking her tail up the metal hose and she biting it.

A friend told me recently that this is a madhouse. I wonder why?

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