Friday, July 09, 2010

Lippy Dog

Mishka and I had a wander around the garden the other evening while I took more night photos. Looks like Mish had a few friends hanging around as per usual. The abscess on the inside of his lip has finished draining but he keeps chewing sticks and making it bleed so have begun coating it with hypericum and calendular ointment to stop any further infection. Meanwhile I keep him cosy in front of the fire with the occasional cat for company.

A cold snap has drifted in with the rain and caused some rheumatism in my left hand so typing is now more of a two finger thing. I spend time huddled under a minky blanket with two wheat packs, one of which I have performed surgery on as it ruptured and began leaking. Of course I didn't realise this at first and was picking up and snacking on what I thought were pieces of nut bar only to receive a nasty surprise. As you do when you tend to eat things you find hidden in crevices of a sofa.

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