Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Things That Orb In The Night

My friends Marie and Steve invited me to their beautiful home for lunch on Sunday (home made soup, bread and chocolate mousse!) and after a guitar concert from Steve which had us bopping to “Cocaine”, “Sweet Child” and “Stairway To Heaven” we settled in front of their huge TV to watch “Underworld” in surround sound. It was like being in the movies with vampires and werewolves sounding as if they were creeping around you. And when the head vampire’s head slid off diagonally onto the ground it was awesome. Just like being there.

I can watch vamp movies till the cows come home and I’m never nervous. But ghost movies are a different matter. I’ve seen a ghost. My atheist brother has lived with a ghost. So I know they’re out there. Which is why my friends think I’m crazy continuing my paranormal photography hobby. Yet I don’t find snapping orbs in the least scary but oddly comforting. I can’t see them until they appear on my camera screen and then they’re usually hovering near trees and garden beds as if they’re busy doing something with the plants as if they were psychic gardeners.

Then there are the beautiful colours. Some are large and apricot, others small and vivid glowing white. Others are pink like this one which is hovering over a bed of pink roses. No I have never ever seen anything to be scared of.

Until I took this. Near the front gate, by the pine tree shelter belt, amongst some weeds. Immediately I took another snap but there was nothing there and the next morning when I checked there were no reflective surfaces that could account for these images. Not surprisingly since taking this picture I have felt a bit weird when I go past to get my mail as you never know what’s lurking unseen in the foliage.

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